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Looking for legal representation can be frustrating and intimidating. Our law firm understands that choosing the right counsel is a very important decision. Perhaps the most important decision you will have to make regarding your case. We believe that people who are in immediate need of legal services will be better equipped to choose the right attorney once they are informed.

Allow our website to introduce you to our firm and know that we are always willing to spend the time for an initial consultation.
Marulam J. Hutauruk will walk you through the legal process from start to finish.

To speak with an experienced local attorney, please call +62 21 5789 5571

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"I have known Marulam J. Hutauruk for years as I have had the opportunity of working with him while we were still working at another prominent Law Firm in town. He is a competent professional who handles cases with full of responsibility and thus very reliable in settling legal dispute. I believe that his experience and knowledge of the law will be a commendable quality and Client could get an excellent legal service provided by his law office."

Fredrik J. Pinakunary (Official Website).